Home Europe


I love Europe. It has a fascinating history, stimulating culture and, of course, amazing food. We hope you enjoy our photos and videos.

Berlin Germany

Berlin Germany is one of the coolest and most exciting cities in Europe. What makes it cool? Everything. The vibe is much more like New York City than any other place in Europe. This post is going to...

Warsaw Poland

Warsaw (Warszawa), Poland's capital, is one of the best places to visit in Central Europe. It has a fascinating history, many cultural attractions and excellent food. And you can stay at first rate hotels...

Munich Germany

Munich is a friendly city with great beer gardens, delicious Bavarian food, beautiful architecture, a wealth of museums, and many other attractions. Countless tourists go to Munich for Octoberfest, the folk festival running from...

Rome Italy

All roads lead there. Rome, the capital of Italy, is the 3rd most visited city in the EU, after London and Paris, and receives an average of 7-10 million tourists a year. Founded in...

Florence Italy

Italy is probably my favorite place to visit. Great food, beautiful scenery and architecture, the best museums, the best shopping, and, of course, a fascinating history. The Italians have such a great sense of...

Venice & Padua Italy

Italy, what can one say about Italy...? Well, it is probably the most amazing place on the planet! I have been to Italy a few times, but have only seen a small part...

Belfast Northern Ireland

Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland, is a remarkable place to visit. It is a fine dinning hot spot in the UK and has a beautiful countryside that is a short distance from urban...

Bangor & Coast Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland, part of the UK, has a beautiful countryside, rugged northern coast and wonderful cities such as Belfast and Bangor. As we flew over the Emerald Isle, I was surprised at how truly...

Krakow Poland

Kraków Poland is a fantastic place to visit. I have been to Poland many times since the 1970's, but only 3 times to Krakow. I've seen it during Communist times when everything was dull &...